Jul 25, 2021
What is a wealth building account and how do you use it? In this episode, Ryan and Alex break down what it is and why you should have one.
Our beer of the day is Sol Cerveza from Molson Coors. You can learn more about this beer by visiting https://www.molsoncoors.com/beers/great-beers/sol-cerveza
If you have questions...
Jul 18, 2021
Do you ever say "one day I will do that?" about your health or finances? In this episode, Ryan and Alex will talk to you about how to stop saying "one day" and start saying "today."
The beer of the day is the Bellwether from Breakside Brewing in Portland, Oregon. You can learn more about this beer by visiting their...
Jul 11, 2021
In this week's episode, Ryan and Alex discuss three things they wish they had known earlier in their careers when it comes to financial lessons learned.
The beer of the week is Stone Dayfall Belgian White from Stone Brewing in California. You can learn more about their beer by visiting their website
Jul 5, 2021
What is keeping you from working with a financial advisor? In this week's episode, Ryan and Alex tackle the top 3 concerns most people have.
The beer of the day is the Hazy L IPA from Bale Breaker Brewing Company in Yakima, WA. If you want to learn more about their beer, visit their website